Monday, February 24, 2020

Book review of Chris Grey's book A Very Short, Fairly Interesting and Essay

Book review of Chris Grey's book A Very Short, Fairly Interesting and Reasonably Cheap Book About Studying Organizations (200 - Essay Example Also, these contemporary theories ignore the opportunities of further evolution in management sciences and consider the application of management theories a simple task with predictable outcomes, whereas the truth is that organizations are more than just management with high degree of uncertainty and ability to digress from the standards suggested by scientific management. Christopher Grey has managed to provide a book which compiles both classic and contemporary theories related to organizational management. While writing this book, Grey has attempted to combine the management and organization theories by amalgamating their outcomes. The book stands on a rationale that organizational theories and management are no different since management is an integral part of practices taking place in an organization. The work of Grey is important on the basis that where other books and literary works have limited the application of organizational theory only to the corporations and institutions , Grey argues that organizations by means of a structure, is more comprehensive than that. He views the application of organization as a concept in overall social spectrum; even in a family structure as well (Callahan, 2009). The book itself is meant for readers who have prior knowledge of other management concepts and organizational studies. Since management of the organizations act as the gist of the book, therefore all the chapters which discuss parts of organizations also deal with the management theories (Donaldson, 2006). Through this book, Grey has asserted that where other books on organization possess a lot of knowledge covered in hundreds of pages, the contents discussed are either too generic or faulty to understand. Therefore, he presents arguments on different areas of organizational management based on the arguments presented by previous theories. Grey has mentioned time and again that organizational theory has been misunderstood or explained in a manner which illustra tes the importance of job to be done however questions like who is expected to define the methods and who will perform the job, remain unanswered. Therefore, in order to illustrate this communication gap between the actual and perceived forms of organizational theory, this book discusses leadership, people management, importance of bureaucracy, fast capitalism and change management (Callahan, 2009). In order to deliver his point of view, Grey has used an assertive approach towards combining the classic and contemporary theories. The approach does seem like a mannerism to draw lacking in other’s work which appears rather unethical. However, the basic purpose in the book is to illustrate how organizations behave, evolve and relate to resources associated to them. The crux of this discussion is human resources itself (Donaldson, 2006). Through his arguments, Grey illustrates how bureaucracy is related to scientific management of the organization (Aulich, 2012). He discussed seve ral management styles and also the implications of applying generalized theories in the problematic areas. By doing so, Grey argues that organizations have flexible nature like people and applying fixed solutions provided by management consultants only consumes time, resources and energy. He further argues that while solving a problem, managers need to show susceptibility to presence of different solutions and selection of the

Saturday, February 8, 2020

Pro and Cons of Legalizing Marijuana Research Paper

Pro and Cons of Legalizing Marijuana - Research Paper Example Scientists have conducted many experiments on marijuana, which have proved that the plant has very many medicinal attributes. Protagonists are pushing for marijuana legalization by showing evidence that the plant can be used to control or cure a variety of medical complications. First, marijuana has anti-inflammatory attributes, and it is also used as a pain reliever. It is a very potent pain reliever that can be used to numb pain experienced by patients with AIDS, Cancer or multiple sclerosis and other painful medical conditions. Marijuana also contains substances that can prevent Alzheimer’s disease or some of the symptoms, especially in elderly people. Marijuana has also indicated great success in fighting neurological decay and inflammation caused by old age. Marijuana has been used to control seizures, increase appetite in AIDS and cancer victims, fight glaucoma, epilepsy and muscular dystrophy. Scientists have also isolated cancer-fighting substances in marijuana that ha ve proved to beneficial in the fight against cancer. These are a few examples of the medicinal value of marijuana and as more research is conducted on the plant, there are prospects in finding new medicinal attributes of the cannabis plant. It is only ethical for lawmakers to consider these beneficial attributes of marijuana, which surpass its abuse, therefore, legalizing the cannabis plant (Caulkins, 2012). Economically, the government will reap billions from legalizing marijuana because it is an underground and untaxed business.